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China | China's longest tunnel (Guixin, 8km) The eight-kilometer-long Guixin tunnel will pass through the Beifeng Mountain and its highway will link with the outer round-the-city road of Fuzhou, capital of Fujian Province. |
France | A86 West Tunnel - Paris The A86 West, when completed, will form the final link of the A86 ringroad around Greater Paris. At a cost of EUR2.23 billion the A86 West will be formed of two toll tunnels; one will be an innovative 10km double deck tunnel for light vehicles, the other, at 7.5km, is along more traditional lines with just a single deck designed for all vehicles including HGVs. Started in 1999 the project is scheduled for completion in 2007. Le bouclage de l'A86 � l'ouest de Paris 10 kilom�tres sur pr�s de 80, sa longueur totale, manquent � l'A86 pour m�riter vraiment son appellation de "superp�riph�rique" de l'Ile-de-France et assurer efficacement sa vocation : soulager le boulevard p�riph�rique parisien, faciliter les d�placements entre banlieues, all�ger la circulation sur les voiries locales. Le bouclage de l'A86 consiste � relier, en souterrain, Rueil-Malmaison et Versailles. Road Tunnels in France and more links |
Germany | Europe's longest construction site Work is under way over the whole length of the 219 km high-speed railway line between Cologne and Frankfurt, making it the longest construction site in Europe. TRIBUNE No 9: Focus on Germany The Engelberg base tunnel - Leonberg/Stuttgart The Rennsteig tunnel 7.9 km, will become the longest road tunnel in Germany Gr��tes und aufw�ndigstes Bauwerk im Zuge der Kammquerung des Th�ringer Waldes ist der Tunnel Rennsteig. Mit 7916 Metern L�nge entsteht hier der mit Abstand l�ngste Stra�entunnel in Deutschland. Burgholz tunnel Die s�dliche R�hre des Tunnels wird eine L�nge von rund 1865 Meter, die n�rdliche R�hre rund 1787 Meter haben. Stuttgart 21 is the first in a series of "21 Projects" undertaken by Deutsche Bahn AG (German Rail) which are based on one common basic idea: Towns and cities benefit from the modernisation of railway facilities and station areas. Elbe tunnel, 4th tube |
Italy | Bologna to Florence high-speed rail connection Approximately 73 km. of route running through 9 tunnels (cross section of ~ 135 m2; longest tunnel at Vaglia, 18.5 km) The construction sites Road Tunnels in Italy and more links |
Japan | The Tohoku Shinkansen extension Works have commenced on the Hakkoda Tunnel (26,455m) in addition to the Iwate tunnel (25,810 m) which is now at the peak of construction activity. |
Nederland | Westerschelde, subsea tunnel, 6.6 km In 1986 a new plan for atunnel under theWesterschelde was developed. The initial plans were for a bridge combined with an immersed tunnel but the design was later modified to a bored tunnel, as this was cheaper. On the basis of a report on potential routes and an environmental impact statement the Provincial Council of Zeeland and the Minister of Transport, Public Works and Water Management selected the route between Borsele and Terneuzen. Tweede Benelux Tunnel, 1995-2002 De bestaande Beneluxtunnel wordt meer dan verdubbeld. De nieuwe tunnel bevat niet alleen een autosnelweg, maar ook een buis voor de metro van Rotterdam naar Schiedam en een buis voor fietsers. |
Russia | TRIBUNE No 7: Focus on Russia - The largest Russian road urban tunnel |
Slovakia | Quo Vadis - International Conference FIG Working Week 2000, 21-26 May, Prague Proceedings: Trends of the Highway Tunnel Building in Slovakia. Key words: tunnel building, lay-out, control measurement, 3-D model building |
South Africa | Lesotho Highlands Water Project, Mohale Tunnel After excavating through the basalts of Lesotho for 16 km at 4.88 m diameter, this NFM Boretech Mitsubishi double shielded machine will enter the chamber to be dismantled underground and removed from the tunnel. Final lining of the chamber, cleaning and finishing the tunnel as well as M&E works will proceed during the rest of 2003. Thereafter the Mohale tunnel will be available to transfer water from the Mohale Reservoir to Katse Reservoir. |
Sweden | S�dra
L�nken �r Sveriges st�rsta
v�gtunnelprojekt. Den f�rbinder Essingeleden i v�ster
med V�rmd�leden i �ster. Den g�r det l�ttare f�r
kollektiv- och biltrafiken att komma fram samt minskar
genomfartstrafiken i Stockholms innerstad. Trafikleden
�r 6 km l�ng och av dessa g�r 4,5 km i tunnel. Linking Malm� Central Station to the �resund Fixed Link The City Tunnel via Malm� will be completed by the year 2005 at the latest. A new two-track railway line will traverse central Malm� below ground for six kilometres, four of which as a bored tunnel. |
Switzerland | TRIBUNE: Focus on Switzerland Gotthardtunnel, AlpTransit Home Page Der Gedanke, einen Gotthard-Basistunnel zu bauen, ist nicht neu: Eine erste Idee wurde bereits 1947 vorgelegt. Ein halbes Jahrhundert nach dem ersten Projekt von 1962 soll der l�ngste Eisenbahntunnel der Welt tats�chlich in Betrieb genommen werden. Die 50 Jahre sind am Projekt nat�rlich nicht spurlos vorbeigegangen. Schacht Sedrun Wissen Sie, wie tief 800 m ist? Besichtigen Sie doch einmal die Vergleichs-Grafik L�tschberg base line, Front Page Construction Concept of the L�tschberg tunnel The lateral adits of Mitholz, Ferden and Steg will serve as intermediate working points. These, together with the portals at Frutigen and Raron, will give a total of five working points. Given the sub-division of the tunnel as a whole, all bores will be less than 10 km long. Die Bauprojekte der Bahn 2000 2. Duppelspor Z�rich - Thalwil Road Tunnels in Switzerland and more links |
United Kingdom | The Channel Tunnel Rail Link The Channel Tunnel Rail Link will be Britain's first major new railway for over a century a high-speed line running for 109km (68 miles) between the Channel Tunnel and St Pancras station in London. The project was authorised by Parliament through the Channel Tunnel Rail Link Act 1996. Section 1 has been under construction since October 1998 and runs between the Channel Tunnel and Fawkham Junction in north Kent. The first Section is on schedule for opening in October 2003. Work on Section 2 began in July 2001 and completes the new line into London's St Pancras. Section 2 is on schedule for completion by the end of 2006. Department for Transport One of the most important infrastructure projects presently being taken forward as part of the Government's Public Private Partnership (PPP) programme is the Channel Tunnel Rail Link (CTRL). |
USA | TRIBUNE No 8: Central Artery Tunnel Central Artery/Tunnel Project (The Big Dig), Boston, Massachusetts The Central Artery project has enough engineering marvels to fill a textbook. The designers and builders of the project are faced with difficult soil conditions, tight working spaces, the proximity to construction of huge glass and steel office towers and fragile old brick buildings, the need to hold up an elevated highway while tunneling directly beneath it, and generally keeping Boston open for business throughout 14 years of construction. |
This page was last modified on December 12, 2002