The World's longest tunnel page ! | |
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Africa - Europe | Tunnel under the strait of Gibraltar |
Asia - America | Bering Strait Tunnel & Railroad Group |
Canada | The Proposed Strait of Belle Isle Tunnel |
Denmark - Germany | Femer B�lt, Denmark - Germany Femer B�lt databasen, homepage in danish with the latest news N�ste bro Femern, Copyright � Motor, 01-08-1998 |
The Global Railway | Welcome to the Online Journal at . .The emphasis is on travel, projects, and global developments. |
Europe | 10 EU Priority Projects The projects clearly reflect the priority attached to strengthening alternatives to road transport. About 80% of their total ECU 91 billion investment is on rail links and a further 9% on road/rail links. Only 10 % is earmarked for new road building. |
France-Italy | UNE
OFFRE DE TRANSPORT AM�LIOR�E Le tunnel de base qui reliera St Jean-de-Maurienne � Susa, en passant sous le Mont d'Ambin, est la pi�ce ma�tresse du projet. D'une longueur de 52 kilom�tres, il se prolonge par le tunnel de contournement de Bussoleno sur 12 kilom�tres. Liaison ferroviaire transalpine Lyon - Turin Note d'information du pr�fet de la r�gion Rh�ne-Alpes N�3 - 14 octobre 1998. Les �tudes de la nouvelle liaison ferro-viaire transalpine Lyon-Turin ont �t� analys�es par les collectivit�s territoriales, les organismes socio-�conomiques et les associations concern�s de la r�gion Rh�ne-Alpes. |
Germany- Austria- Italy |
Die Achse M�nchen-Verona ist eine der wichtigsten europ�ischen Verkehrsachsen. Aus diesem Grund hat der Europ�ische Rat in Essen 1994 den Ausbau der Eisenbahnachse Brenner M�nchen - Verona in die Liste der 14 vorrangigen TEN-Projekte (Transeurop�ische Verkehrsnetze) aufgenommen. |
Japan - Korea | The International Highway Project (Japan - Korea) |
Norway | Submerged Floating Tunnel, a transportation
concept for crossing straits, fjords, sounds and lakes The Submerged Floating Tunnel - the natural way to bridge water. The submerged floating tunnel utilizes lakes and waterways to carry traffic under water and on to the other side, where it can be conveniently linked to the rural network or to the underground infrastructure of modern cities. NSFT was established in 1998 to develop and market the concept of submerged floating tunnels. At the time, an SFT crossing of H�gsfjord on the west coast of Norway looked likely to the first of a kind SFT for road traffic in the world and the SFT was considered an option in other national and international bridge studies. This tubular structure is to be submerged 25�30 meters below the water surface. NTNU's Department of Structural Engineering have tested the underwater suspension tunnel by means of a numerical model.The bridge will have two lanes for motor vehicles and a combined pedestrian path and bicycle track. |
Serbia | Projects for the 21st Century High speed railway , Belgrade Railway Junction , Valjevo - Loznica Railway, Revitalization of the Belgrade - Bar Railway, Highway E-75, Highway E-763, Highway E-80, Danube River |
Switzerland | La modernisation des chemins de fer Le programme de relance pour la Suisse de Hans Werder, secr�taire g�n�ral du D�partement f�d�ral de l'environnement, des transports, de l'�nergie et de la communication. |
This page was last modified on August 2, 2003